Refresh Account Start Dates Immediately With This Custom Query

When working with your client’s important data, it’s critical that you have the ability to provide the most accurate picture of holdings, performance, and account history at any given moment. When updating client information, there are several processes in Orion’s system that will automatically refresh overnight, but what if you want to see an update even sooner?  


Occasionally, you may need to update a client’s account start date. After entering your client’s new information, the Orion system will refresh the account data overnight. Did you know you also have the option to push an update and refresh the data automatically? Using the “Account Start Update” query (7719) you can ensure your client’s account is updated immediately.


This query can be useful when you create or re-activate an account and you want to see that account’s data appear on the same day in the Client Portal, Household Overview or on Reports. It can also be helpful if you create a related household in Manage Users but it’s not showing up in the Client Portal.


Running this query will push an immediate refresh to an account’s start date in the system. For example, if you un-cancel an account and that account doesn’t have a start date, you can use this query to populate the account start date.

To run the Account Start Update query, follow these four easy steps:

  1.       Launch the Query app.
  2.       Ensure “All Queries” is selected on the right-hand side.
  3.       Locate the “Account Start Update” query (7719) by using the search bar at the top of the query list.
  4.       Double click the Account Start Update query > select “Run.”

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