Tech Tip Tuesday: How to Keep Clean Billing and Reporting Databases

Today’s Tech Tip Tuesday post focuses on how you can quickly and easily ensure your reporting and billing databases stay current with clean account information!

Let’s dive into what you can do to ensure that accounts are correctly downloading from your custodian data feeds and what to do if you find one that isn’t.

Tech Tip: How To See Which Accounts Are Not Downloading

Is there a way to see if an account has stopped downloading from one of your data feeds? Absolutely! And it’s simple and easy to check.

Reviewing this information frequently is important because you can then determine if the account should still be downloading, or if the account should be cancelled, which leads to cleaner reports and bills. If an account should still be downloading to Orion, then you’ll need to  contact the custodian reporting the account. If an account should be cancelled, follow the super-simple process guided by our Cancellation Wizard within Orion Connect.

How Do I Access This Feature?

You are likely familiar with the Interface Reconciliation app in Orion Connect, but you may not be familiar with some of its features and settings. To get started:

1. Navigate to the Interface Reconciliation app and select “Accts Not Downloading” from the left-hand navigation menu. You can check this list as often as you want–even daily—to create a proactive process within your firm of keeping tabs on the overall health of your account data.The Accts Not Downloading screen will display accounts that have stopped downloading into Orion from one of your data feeds.

Similar to the Asset Comparison Report, Accts Not Downloading shows any accounts that have a value in Orion, but for which Orion is not receiving a balance in a position file.

User Tip: Please note that the Accts Not Downloading screen does not include any DST accounts. If you’d like to check for non-downloading DST accounts, you should review your monthly Asset Comparison Report instead. DST’s position files are sent to Orion monthly, usually during the first week of a month, making the Asset Comparison Report a more reliable reference.

2. Reference the Recon Status Dashboard on the left-hand navigation menu within the Interface Reconciliation app to confirm that your database’s daily reconciliation has been completed. (Keep in mind that Orion does not receive data files on Sundays or Mondays.)

3. When working in the Accts Not Downloading screen, applying filters is key. Set your End Date to the last business day to get the most accurate results. The system defaults to today’s date.

4. Once you have selected dates, just click Refresh Grid. You can also export the results to a CSV file or to Excel.

The functionality covered in Tech Tip Tuesday is available and ready to use right now in Orion Connect. If you want more training about the apps and tools covered in this article, log into Orion Social to access our full knowledge base, and use the Ascent app for online, on-demand training resources.

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About Eddie Sempek
Eddie Sempek serves as Orion's Chief Innovation Officer. He has worked in several roles at Orion and now oversees the team of tech consultants. He enjoys helping firms in their strategic planning and implementation of technology.